
The Tales-of-the-City series had cult status in the 1980s and was still good reading in the 1990s. They are set in 1980s San Francisco and follow a group of hippiesque tenants in an old villa under the guidance of extravagant, extrovert and exceptional Ms Madrigal, who refers to her tenants as her "children". Many of the group are homosexual, all of them, including Ms Madrigal, love to share a good joint. And everybody is totally cool about.

This was exciting and exotic in the 1980s, in small-town Germany of the 1990s it was still refreshing. Nowadays, society, morals, even the laws have developed and, indeed, improved. We no longer need literature to open our minds in this respect. What remains is the plot – which is rather wild, highly unrealistic, and sometimes incoherent. There is a lot going on, but somehow it never leads to development or change; which at least for the series is a good thing, because all the novels can start and end under the same premises.

While this makes for shallow literature practically without character development or even ambiguity, it is still a nice little read. And if you read it in the 1990s (or even earlier) it is certainly worthwhile re-reading it just for the fun or for nostalgia.

There are those books you want to read forever and cherish as a treat yet to be savored – and when you finally do read them, they turn out to be far less than expected. For me, the Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham is one of these books. It is a recommendation by my English teacher Mr Bäcker, and this means: I have been waitung for more than 35 years to actually read it. Also, I found my personal copy of this novel totally unexpected in a bookstore in the tiny place of Klundert, Netherlands, where my father lived. This makes for a personal and emotional connection to the novel.

TAS ist der vierte und letzte Band der Po-Ca-Hon-Tas Quadrologie, in der Klaus Theweleit den kulturgeschichtlichen und soziologischen Quellen, Wirkungen und Querverbindungen der mythologisierten Geschichte rund um die amerikanische native princess Pocahontas nachspürt. Wobei: Vierter Band stimmt zwar irgendwie, aber dann auch irgendwie nicht, denn die Erscheinungsreihenfolge der vier Bände ist konfus: 1 (1999) – 4 (1999) – 2 (2013) – 3 (2020). Eigentlich ist steht dieser Band also eher am Anfang seiner Betrachtung des Pocahontas-Komplexes, besonders wenn man bedenkt, dass der erste Band im Wesentlichen der Etablierung der historischen Fakten dient.

Marina Weisband erlangte große Bekanntheit als Geschäftsführerin der Piratenpartei. Die Pirat*innen zeichneten sich vor allem durch Digitalaffinität und den Wunsch nach mehr direkter Demokratie aus. Das ist als politisches Programm ein bisschen wenig, da eine Partei zwar Systemänderungen anstreben kann und auch sollte, aber trotzdem natürlich (zunächst) mit dem System arbeiten muss, dass nun mal installiert ist. Und da wüssten Wähler*innen in einer repräsentativen Demokratie schon gerne, für welche konkreten Ziele und Richtungen sich Kandidat*innen einer Partei einsetzen möchten.

There are pretty strict conventions about how to write a report about a sailing adventure: First-person narrator, simple style and grammar, abundance of technical terms connected to sailing, long passages on navigation and charts and courses, laconic comments on the extraordinary and a relaxed off-handedness about the absolutely foolish and suicidal decisions taken by the superhero-sailor(s).