
Holden Caulfield is a serial school-dropout with a solid hate of humankind. The novel relates his way home from the last school he dropped out to his parents in New York. Not very much happens over that short period of merely two days, but Holden has more than enough opportunity to scrutinise human behaviour and reflect on it.

John Cleese is of course famously known for his important role as founding member of Monty Python's Flying Circus. He goes through great lengths to say almost nothing about this episode in his artistic life.

He does say a whole lot more than one would usually like to hear about almost (?) forgotten comedy shows from the 1960s. It helps to gain an understanding of how television worked in the early days, and of course Cleese has every right to discuss whatever he likes in his own autobiography. As a reader, i finally found it a bit too repetitive.

Uncle Tom's Cabin was written more than 150 years ago. It was highly controversial, shocking and contested at the time of its writing, and even today it is at least still shocking reading matter.

The novel loosely follows the life of Tom, whose benevolent owner is is forced to sell him because of financial difficulties. Tom is sold an re-sold, and at all the stations he passes through he meets other slaves whose fates we also follow, sometimes even though their and Tom's paths diverge.

Author Harriet Beecher Stowe has a strong religious background, and therefore it is (at least from today's point of view) no wonder that she determinedly fights against slavery. Also, from today's point of view, she has a pretty easy task, describing slavery in all its inhuman horror and contrasting this with Christ's message of love. And indeed, she takes this path, and of heartbreaking descriptions of children separated from their parents or husband and wife sold to different farms and then forced to re-marry don't fail to impress.

Flann O'Brien writes a novel about a writer/student who writes a novel about a writer who writes a novel about several characters who have finally had enough of it and start writing an alternative ending.

This says really everything you need to know about this book. The plot is simple, but the cast is complicated and O'Brien keeps moving back and forth which makes for even more confusion.

55 methoden für den Religionsunterricht. Das ist eine sehr präzise inhaltsangabe, und man kann sagen: Hier hält der Inhalt, was die Verpackung verpsricht. Doreen Blumhagen versammelt in einem schmalen Bändchen von nur 72 Seiten in der Tat 55 Methoden, die im RU umsetzbar sind.

Die Methoden sind ganz grob in Kategorien unterteilt (Erzählen, Erschließen, Wahrnehmen, etc.) und mit allen wichtigen Angaben zu benötigtem Material, Altersstufe und natürlich den Arbeitsschritten aufbereitet. Außerdem gibt es häufig noch ein konkretes Beispiel, durch das die Anwendung im eigenen Unterricht erleichtert wird.